Fire Crew Integration.
With the Sea Harriers
moving to RAF Wittering and Cottesmore, the Naval Air Command Fire Service is to
integrate manpower with the RAF Fire Service. A number of billets have
changed in the scheme of compliment on both Culdrose and Yeovilton fire
stations. Currently we have one RAF
Sergeant serving as crew chief on each station, and we have a PO(AH) crew chief
on each of theirs. It is intended to increase the number of RAF personnel to two
Sergeants, one Corporal and an SAC at each fire station by October 2001. The equivalent ranked
Aircraft Handlers will move to RAF Wittering and Cottesmore .The Fire Station
Flight Sergeant at RAF Wittering is to be replaced by a CPO(AH) but at the same
time the Culdrose Fire Chief will and be replaced with a Flight Sergeant. It is hoped by Oct 2002
that there will be a total of twelve of each service at the relevant stations. LA(AH) Bob Strutt. |
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